Carbon negative agriculture
to produce more and consume less
The benchmark conference for agricultural biogas and biomethane in Italy
Europe: energy, agriculture and climate - Current Challenges and Future Outlook
The potential of biogas and biomethane within international trends and REPowerEU
Italy: biogas and biomethane - new scenarios and future developments
Biomethane market: developments and achievements in Italy
The answer to food, energy and climate comes from farming: the Farming for Future approach
The key role of agriculture between responsibility and opportunity
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10:00 Registration
10.30 Welcome and opening session
Piero Gattoni, CIB President
Chairperson: Filippo Solibello, journalist
10.45 Europe: energy, agriculture and climate – Current Challenges and Future Outlook
Panel discussion
Paolo De Castro, MEP Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Carlo Fidanza, MEP Committee on Transport and Tourism
Massimiliano Salini, MEP Commitee on Environment
Marco Zanni, MEP Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Francesco Corvaro, Special Envoy for Climate Change
11.45 The potential of biogas and biomethane within international trends and REPowerEU
Jerry Murphy, IEA – International Energy Agency
Biljana Kulisic, DG Energy – European Commission
Anders Mathiasson, EBA (European Biogas Association) President
Key Messages
Cristiano Fini, CIA President
Piero Gattoni, CIB President
Message from Adolfo Urso, Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy
13.00 – 14.30 NETWORKING LUNCH
14.30 ITALY: biogas and biomethane – new scenarios and future developments
Opening speech
Marco Pezzaglia, CIB
Panel discussion
Giovanni Perrella. Energy Department at MASE
Franco Cotana, RSE CEO
Federico Mandolini, GSE
15.40 Biomethane market: developments and achievements in Italy
Opening speech
David Chiaramonti, Politecnico di Torino
GB Zorzoli, Coordinamento FREE
Panel discussion
Amedeo Rosatelli, Progetto Green Metals Brescia Confindustria Brescia
Guido Pasquini, Lucart
Valerio Vanacore, IVECO
17.00 The energy infrastructure for the development of biomethane
Opening speech
Gervasio Ciaccia, Arera
Panel discussion
Lorenzo Romeo, Corporate Strategy Director – Italgas
Nicola Battilana, Snam
Key Messages and Conclusions
Massimiliano Giansanti, Confagricoltura President
Piero Gattoni, CIB President
Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister of the Environment and Energy Security
*To be confirmed
9.15 Registration
9.45 Welcome and opening session
Angelo Baronchelli, CIB Vice President
Chairperson: Filippo Solibello, journalist
10.00 The answer to food, energy and climate comes from farming: the Farming for Future approach
Opening speech
Diana Lenzi, Farming for Future Foundation President
Marco Acutis, University of Milan
Panel discussion
Simona Caselli, Granlatte President
Vitaliano Fiorillo, SDA Bocconi
Angelo Frascarelli, University of Perugia
Sergio Gandolfini, BNL
11.15 Goal climate neutrality. Suggestions to enhance the role of the Italian agricultural and agro-industrial system
Panel discussion
Francesco Battistoni, Committee on Environment, Territory and Public Works
Paola De Micheli, Committee on Economics Activities, Trade and Tourism
Luca De Carlo, Committee on Industry, Trade, Tourism, Agriculture and Agrifood Production
Silvia Fregolent, Committee on Industry, Trade, Tourism, Agriculture and Agrifood Production
Alberto Gusmeroli, Committee on Economics Activities, Trade and Tourism
Key Messages and Conclusions
Ettore Prandini, Coldiretti President
Piero Gattoni, CIB President
Stefano Ciafani, Legambiente President
Francesco Lollobrigida*, Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry
*To be confirmed